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Sunday, September 27

Im Insane, Just Saying (its goes well with Billy Talents - Devil on my shoulder)

The devil sits on my shoulder with his long tail and small feet and red eyes, he whispers in my ear, things like, ‘you should worry’ even when i tell myself not to worry but the voice comes back and gets me all worried. The thing is though that, its not a really voice, its more like me playing tricks with myself like I would witness something on television flipping threw the channels and I would see a sickness and automatically assume Id have it. Maybe I did this cause I am bored with my life here, I mean when I’m busy I don’t have time to sit around and get worried about all these sicknesses.

Maybe I’m going insane, and the only way to cure my insanity is to listen to that devilish voice, give in and just swallow my pride that I am going insane but maybe I just need someone to help get my mind off those things like maybe I believe everyone is meant to fall in love and I think that’s my cure to my insanity, my worrying, i need that, to protect me from myself.

You know its weird, I never been like this but I started to worry when i had deaths in the family and when that happened, not only did I change for the worst by worrying a lot but I changed for the better as well like no one could break me down, my will is too strong to break, insults dont phase me nor do judgments do so perhaps the death of me isn’t from an assassin or a bully or rumor but maybe I am the death of me and most cases that’s how it happens. Its like your body is working against you, there is this black poison breaking you down year by year and it doesn’t kill you, it just breaks you down and you end up killing yourself cause you cant take it anymore but again maybe I am just over thinking things.

This world is a cruel world, you cant live in it if you cant take judgment, you must stay positive if you wanna see your grand kids be born and positive I am, but sometimes positivity only goes a long away which would mean I would need a savior to help me threw my fights because I think my only Savior is no longer myself, as I am fighting with myself and the bad side is almost winning but perhaps my savior is my love, the one i am suppose to fall in love with.

I will wait and fight and wait but I wont be able to fight for so long, I will need my savior, I will need them before the devil rises above.

I will fight and wait.


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