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Tuesday, June 9

Tina Parol - Whos Got Your Money

Ms Tina Parol is back and she is taking names (ie; Perez Hilton)
She has just released her new video 'who's got your money' from her forthcoming debut album Shrinking Violet
and it is soon to blow up the charts.
Perez Hilton says;
“It’s super sunny and fun.
A great pop song has you singing along the first time you hear it
and Who’s Got Your Money definitely accomplishes that.”

I say surprisingly this is the first and only time
I will ever agree with Mr Hilton
And Iv been behind Tina for a while
and i will remain to back her up,
i see good things for her in the future
and if you dont, you need your ears tested.

A little story to back up this video
before you watch it.
Her new album is dedicated to the boys
that failed miserably and broke her heart
and i say, there is that point in time
where you just throw your finger
in the air and say 'fuck you'
and that is exactly what she is doing
and going to continue to do.
She is a force to be wreaking with,
watch out ex boyfriends,
you may have dug your own grave.

So further more,
enjoy the beautiful and gorgeous and everything else in the middle;
Ms Tina Parol - Who's Got Your Money.

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