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Wednesday, May 27

Postive Vibes

I always asked myself how I became a negative person, I mean maybe it was school or ex friends but now that I’m on a positive road I always wondered why I was so negative and I cant seem to think of anything, I just know I always was.

Its like day 17 or something and this positive shit is hard, for some reason I just keep thinking negative. My negative thoughts cloud my positive ones and I don’t know if that is just me and I’m just fucked up or everyone else is like that but I don’t like it, perhaps its cause the fact that I live here and I don’t want to live here you know? like I want to start fresh, maybe then my positive attitude will stick but it seems like every time I keep trying to be positive I get more negative and it sucks.

Its killing my brain and its just feels like being stuck in the same room for 24 hours every day, pretty much and at the end of the day I don’t want to think positive or negative nor do I want to think at all about anything.

Perhaps I need help or my brain is screaming out for some kind of help but as far as I know is that this positive shit is harder then I thought.

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