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Thursday, June 25

RIP Michael Jackson

Before he was labeled a child molester, he was almost my hero. My favorite songs being 'Beat It, Billy Jean & Thriller, just to name a few.
He was looked up to, by people like Justin Timberlake, Usher, Ludacris and more.
After that whole child molestation charge on him, i couldn't quite look at him the same but thats not to say he wasn't the idol he was because he is and was and always will be that idol, the 'King Of Pop', he dance moves are memorable, including the 'Moon Walk' and having 13 number one hits during his solo career is just the mere icing on the cake.
Couple years ago, whenever i was 11, i bought his last cd he made titled 'Invincible' and i did not regret that purchase and i never will.
He may be fucked up mentally but thats not the point, the point is, he made history, like Elvis, like The Beatles, like Prince, this guy was even huge at the age of 9 and continued to be famous for the next 40 more years, which is something not many people can accomplish.
So today, we aren't remembering the mistakes he made, the bad choices he regretted (or didn't) nor are we remembering his infamous Neverland ranch but we are remembering his mere legacy he left behind, his songs, his dances. He was only 50, he had a lot more to accomplish in his life but like any amazing artistes life, it had to come to an end, as we sit here wondering about what could have been..

Michael Joseph Jackson
August 29 1958 – June 25 2009

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