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Monday, June 22

The End: Dead End

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"

You know religion is a tough issue to crack or perhaps to argue about but I feel that tonight I will do just that so I apologize if I offend any religious people, you may as well stop reading this right about now because I feel like religion is just a mockery, its just what people do to hide from the tough world that is shown to them, they aren’t strong enough to depend on themselves they need someone like a ‘Jesus’ or ‘Moses’ whom they think are saving them and being there ‘heroes’ but honestly is it some false misunderstanding saving them or is it them self’s saving them self’s. Its just like your mind playing tricks on you Ex: if someone tells you have aids, your going to act sick and probably die but that’s because your mind is telling you to do that when in reality your healthy and I feel like that’s what religious people do, they tell there self’s ‘Jesus’ will save them, when there actually saving them self’s buy thinking that.

The thing I don’t get is that miracles do happen yes but when someone young dies who isn’t meant to die, it doesn’t matter how fucking religious you are, that’s not “suppose” to happen, your not suppose to be alive for 3,4,5 years and then just die, that’s a fucking tease to the people that have to bare it and that’s not a good thing? Jesus or Moses or God in that case didn’t just do a ‘good’ thing because if someone named Bill with a crazy wife killed a young child, would they be considered good? No they defiantly would not, they would be ridiculed for life at the least. The thing I don’t understand is that if someone did kill someone else, ‘God’ had nothing to do it, when in case that person is probably going to say ‘God told me to do it’, so honestly where the hell does religion play its part in being a hero?

80 percent of supper religious people are mostly crazy insane who will cheat, lie and probably kill and I feel its because there trapped inside this world where they assume some false “God” will save them.

The funny thing is, people say ‘I believe in God’ and yet they haven’t seen the man and there considered sane? So if I said ‘I believe in aliens’ and yet I never saw them, I would probably be locked up in a mental asylum so please tell me what is the difference because I personally think people make shit up like ‘religion’ and ‘god’ to escape to another world away from our fucked up world with bombings and killings. the thing is though, the most intelligent, smart, understanding people don’t believe in any false goddess but they believe in themselves and being positive and that is way better then anything else because it can get you threw any situation even if its the most impossible yet. So really what difference does religion make? its just like a harder path to walk on, when you there is the easy road right beside it and some people will never understand that and maybe I am the one who will never understand it and I’m just making a huge mistake but I believe you don’t need to go on your knees to pray to any false Gods to live a positive life, you can just be positive and that will help threw anything.

When I was young, about 8, I was scared to stop believing in God, I don’t know why, I just thought if I stopped I would die the next day and its been 12 years later and I am glad I was introduced to death (in a shit way) because it made me stronger as person but also more open minded that even if you pray to any God, sometimes that doesn’t work, its being positive that is the miracle because as I remember, God wasn’t there 10 years ago when I needed a miracle so he doesn’t deserve my knees on the ground and frankly if it came down to it, id rather believe in aliens.

VIA: Scars & Sex Stories

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