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Thursday, October 1

If You Cant Sing, Hold Your Breath

“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and soul” - Pablo Neruda

Its estimated that there is 6 Billion people living on this earth, counting you, me, the people in the hospital that are in comas, the 90 year old who still feels 19 and i wonder how they count all these people, i mean how do they know that we have 6 Billion people on this earth, did they start counting when it was only 600? So there’s 6 Billion people on this earth, a city like Los Angeles contains something like 4 Million people and i wonder, living in Los Angeles, is there any one there that feels alone? A state with a population of 4 Million, how would you be lonely?

As i sit here and realize there are 6 billion people roaming this earth, why do I feel so god damn alone, did i do this on my own? Is fate trying to make me stronger for the real world?

I like to question fate a lot, i honestly don’t know what to think of it. The last time I questioned it, i had a dream about it, a dream that made sense but perhaps I am just losing my mind.

How can I or anyone else feel so alone in a world with 6 Billion people, in my mind i don’t think 6 Billion is a lot, i never did think a Billion of anything was alot cause people throw it around these days like its nothing new.

The people who tally up the worlds population say there will be 9 Billion people living on this earth in 2040, I will be 50, the 90 year old would be dead and the coma patents will no longer be in a coma. 2040 is 40 years from now, it takes 40 years for a population to get from 6 to 9 so maybe i have to wait 40 years so this empty, alone feeling leaves my body, or maybe i go find my ‘Louis Lane’. When it comes down to it, id like to travel to 9000 BC when there was only 2 people cause then i know i wouldn’t be alone and back then being alone didn’t exist and that’s a feeling i wish the 6 Billion world population had.


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