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Wednesday, September 2

Scarface 2

I thought this was pretty funny so i wanted to try and make a story out of it, perhaps a Scarface 2 will emerge (hopefully not). I also dont mean to offend the real Scarface fans, this was and is simply a very bad idea. It goes like this.

As we all know Tony died in the last movie and so before his death he wrote a letter to Hannah, making sure she got it when she was 18, if he was dead (which we all know he is but this is what makes it make sense). The letter stated that he knew he had a daughter on the way (Hannah) so planned to put her up for adoption and when she turned 18, also giving her his business or at least giving most of his will to her. She gets the letter in the mail stating she was his daughter and to call this number and seeing as how her music career went down the drain and she started doing all these crazy drugs, with her father passing away on her as well (getting hit by a car) she had nothing to lose so she calls up the number and tony's nephew answers telling her he could help with her career if he helps with her dads business, she kinda hesitates to agree but realizes she has nothing left anymore, except a bother who ran away. So she takes the offer, thus making this Scarface 2: Hannah


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