"I'm soooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and shes in the bleachers!
I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment! Beyonce's video 'was' the best of this decade!!!!! I'm sorry to my fans if i let you guys down!!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor tomrrow.
Welcome to the real world!!! everyone wanna boooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture!! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at my crib right now cause...well you know!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!! Booyyaaawww!!! You are very very talented!! I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me..thats why it is!!! I'm not crazy yall, I'm just real. Sorry for that!!! I really feel bad for Taylor And I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much Respect"
As you read, he apologized plenty of times so everyone that keeps bashing him for acting immature, you can stop now. To be honest, i dont care that he took the moment away from her, i will always have his back cause i am a true fan. The thing that i do care about is that people are making this out to be such a big deal. Its only a fkn award show people, he didnt stab a baby nor did he kick a kitten, no need to make t shirts calling him a bitch, no need to make groups bashing him and writing about how he should die. Really people? You want him to die over this stupid situation? Is the world really that ruthless? Kanye is Kanye, he will always be Kanye, he will always want his moments, he will always take moments away but thats him, thats who is, he has a big ego but so does the rest of the world (IE; Hiedi and Spencer). If you cant deal with little behavior made from one of the greatest rappers of this decade then you wont be able to handle the real world. I do think maybe that was rude of him to do that, but its his life, he does what he wants to do, like i said, i will always be his true fan, as long as he is not killing anyone then no need to rip him apart, he is only a human being who made a mistake and apologized for it. The world is soo wrapped up in hating people who arn't even half as bad as people like Osama or The Taliban, considering hate is a strong word. Really? You need to wake up people, wake the fuck up.
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