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Friday, July 10

Marilyn Manson - High End Of Low Album Review

Hello world, i just thought id come in peace this time
and give you a review of Marilyn Manson's new CD.
I got it couples months ago
but it took a while to get use to some songs
but now i am here ready to review the album.
Before we get to the songs,
just some notes on the CD itself.
Its not like your average Manson CD,
he does play piano on one song
and acoustic on many but this CD is more uplifting
and comical compared to Eat Me, Drink Me.
Some songs kinda leave you questioning him as musician at first
but once you get use to the songs, they really are amazing.
I also like how there are more songs on this album
then there was on the last.

1. Devour
The first song off the album, collab with Rudy Coby,
was a song that i really enjoyed.
The slow start at first
and then the song picks up.
Really great opening song.
8 out 10

2. Pretty As a Swastika
Originally on the album,
titled as 'Pretty As A ($)'.
I like the drums beating in this song
and i liked how the lyric
"When I see you in the sun
you're as pretty as a swastika"
If you find lots of thing offensive
you may find this track offensive
just because he sings about the Swastika
or at least the name is in it.
Its not the best track off the cd but its better then most.
5 out of 10

3. Leave a Scar
This song was wrote for his 'then' girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood.
He comments on it as it being a little cruel
and seeing as how it was a song for his girlfriend
it kinda is cruel, but what can you expect from MM.
This song didn't phase me, i do like the lyrics though,
i related to this song, being hurt a lot and all.
4 out of 10.

4. Four Rusted Horses
My favorite song on this album, i like the lyrics,
i like the band, i like everything about it,
except one thing, when he says "forbidden in Heaven and useless in Hell".
I dont like how they added that part in after the real chorus.
If that part wasn't in it, it would be the best song off the album.
I also enjoy the lyric in this song
"Everyone will come, to make sure that I stay dead".
Amazing part, no one can think of that
except MM himself.
7 out of 10

5. Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon
I am disappointed that this is the first single off the cd.
I did like this song before
but listing to it too much, gets rather annoying.
2 out of 10.

6. Blank and White
I think this is almost my favorite song,
i dont quite know why it isn't.
I do think the acoustic version is better though.
Not much to say about this.
5 out of 10.

7. Running to the Edge of the World
I really really like this song,
its mega sweet
and it being one of the semi-acoustic songs
on this cd.
Its almost very dark, sweet, loving kinda song.
I think id use this for my wedding.
8 out 10.

8. I Want to Kill You Like They Do in the Movies
The first time i heard the name of this song
i was almost ready to download it,
its the best title for a song,
i think i ever herd.
Anyways its 9 minutes long and
i am disappointed because i thought this song would be good
but it isn't, i mean its not the worst
but i just dont like how he keeps jumping around in this song.
The whole focus of it is "there will always be someone else"
and maybe the whole jumping around with lyrics
makes this song better then most but its not my favorite
as i thought it would have been.
4 out of 10

9. WOW
I am not quite sure if this is about the actual game
or just the expression but this song
is probably the worst song on the album
and the worst song he has ever written,
honestly i could have wrote a better song.
2 out of 10

10. Wight Spider
This is a very cleaver song,
I dont know why, i just like it
and i cant not like it for some reason.
Im guessing it sound better when played live.
6 out of 10

11. Unkillable Monster
I fucking love this song,
its just like about guessing you will fall in love
and be in love and instead it turns to shit
and you didn't even see it coming.
I like the title of the song,
the chorus and the guitar
and i say yes to this song.
8 out of 10

12. We're From America
This song is tough to judge,
cause i like the lyrics,
and the chorus is catchy
but it gets boring fast,
maybe because i listened to it too much
but its a weird song.
He comments on it as saying 'its about his personal life'
and i can see that,
as for people who dont like MM,
they will probably assume its about America
and it kinda is
but it mostly isn't.
All in all, its a clever song.
6 out of 10

13. I Have to Look Up Just to See Hell
I like this song, it reminds me more of his older stuff.
I very much like the drums in it, and i feel
if there was no drums, the song would have went down hill.
I also think the title is yet another amazing title.
7 out of 10

14. Into the Fire
This is probably the best song off the album,
i also think this is the first time he uses piano
on an album.
When listening to this, at first you may think
"What the hell happened to MM"
but the song is a master piece.
Its like a puzzle, that doesn't look good
until when finished. Thats this song.
10 out of 10.

15. 15
This song is about not letting people break you down
and use you in ways you dont like to be used,
made a fool of perhaps.
I totally get this song cause i use to be
in the same situations, getting taken
advantage off so i like this song.
Its a good way to end the album.
8 out of 10

So all review done and i think id have to rate this
album being 8 out of 10,
his best CD yet since 'Golden Age'.


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