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Thursday, July 16

Doding Traffic - Section 1 - Finding Yourself

Nothing in this story should be considered accurate or reliable.

A story about 5 souls.
One finding love.
One seeking revenge.
One surviving on eggshells.
One on the wrong path.
One looking for happiness.
Five souls, Five people.
One thing in common; Hope.

"Six billion people in the world, six billion souls, and sometimes all you need is one"

“Its better being hated for who you are, then being liked for you who you are not”

SECTION 1 - "Finding Yourself"

“The halls; not a good place to be at lunch, not cause its packed and you see a lot of kids running around bumping into each other
but frankly cause I tend to get picked on a lot around this time of day, more then any human being is suppose to be picked on.
I guess one day these bunch of teenagers just decided to pick on this girl who I occasionally pass by in the hall way,
so I just couldn’t take it anymore and I told each and everyone of them bullies to leave her alone and so they did,
which resulted in them rebelling against me. I kind of feel like I shouldn’t have bothered, I totally shouldn’t have but I just couldn’t take it anymore,
a defends-less female and 4 jackasses of men pushing her around so on the other hand, I’m proud of what I’ve done.
Now, I guess its time to hang my head and pretend to ignore them, as I stand in the middle of hallway at lunchtime.”

Sean walked down the hall way at lunch looking for one of his many friends, ok not many, I mean he didn’t have a lot of friends,
he really didn’t want any friends, he didn’t trust anyone but he had one friend in particular, his name was Bill.
Bill was equivalent to those people making video games but Sean wasn’t a nerd at all like Bill,
he was fairly attractive and could probably pick up any girl he wanted,
he just always had those lame trust issues which always got in the way of a relationships.
This was Sean’s last year of schooling and he was eager to get out of school, the teachers, 80 percent of the students and the work,
annoyed him to the very core.


She rolled over on the other side of the bed; this was her 12 'customer' of the month and the 30th 'customer' of the year,
She started prostituting when she was 13 years old, whenever she had a body to flaunt around, she started.
Her mom is a Meth addict and usually is never around, and if she is around, she’s always unconscious with multiple drugs in her
and her father left them right after he had Kates sister.
She has to prostitute for her sister, to take care of her sister, who is only 8 and attends school in the same clothes.
The first night she did prostitution, she couldn't even accept the offers at first and she also stored a can of mace in her boots,
she being 18 and her name is Kate and her paying 'Customers' are usually around the age of 30 to 50 and 90 percent of them have a wife.
Now Kate looks pretty, way more prettier then most prostitutes, Her eyes are blue and her smile is beautiful
but she rarely ever smiles when she’s on the job.
Bitch get over here, I paid for 2 hours, not an hour and 30 minutes
Look sir, I know you paid for 2 hours, but I already lived up to your wishes, now please, I have to go see if my sister is fine
Kate walked real slow with her head down, looking at the ground and proceeded to give him what he wished for.
They were in a small, shit hole of a motel, 'Glen Bow Motel' where the sign outside only read 'Len Bo Mote' missing the 'G' 'W' and 'T'.
The old ugly guy, threw Kate to the side and left when he was done, She lay there crying, humiliated in herself and telling herself,
she will never prostitute again, But she knew, tomorrow was a new day, tomorrow was new costumers, tomorrow was more money.
She grabbed the change he threw on the floor and she headed to her broken home.


Tess is 16 and trying to find love, she gets told a lot that you cant find love at that age but she ignores them and continues in the search for love.
Tess is beautiful; her eyes are green, matching pair of olives but much more significant. She attends school to get good grades, this year
She’s in grade 11, she has enough friends but she wants love.
She’s been having troubles with guys hurting her as if she was a toy, and over the course of the last few months
she has been thinking negative about herself cause All boys do is use her, and it took a toll on her.
But today, there’s one boy she likes, one boy that stuck up for her when she was getting spit on and humiliated.
This boy doesn’t know it yet; he doesn’t even pay attention to her, so she just ignores him back.
She can’t help but shake the feeling that she likes him. His eyes, his smile, she likes him, she could picture herself being with him.
'Tomorrow, I’m going to talk to him'
She says to herself but she’s been saying that for a while, the only thing holding her back is her trust issues, her wall, and her shy-ness.
She likes to bump into him on the odd times and make eye contact, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but one time it did.
Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to bump in to you
When really she did.
Oh yeah, its ok.
Her face got all read and she had a loss of words.
Um, ok, uh, see you later? Maybe?
he walked away and she was still standing there, over whelmed and feeling like she just made a fool of herself.
'Tomorrow, I’m going to talk to him'
she said again, only this time, she meant it.


Kate bolted home like her life depended on it, in the neighbourhood she lives in
her life would depend on it. Last winter a guy in the apartment they live in
shot threw the wall while in a gang fight and missed Kate by an inch,
now she doesn’t take chances what so ever.
She swung open the door and saw her sister lingering over her mother.
Kate, moms back, but she is taking a quick nap
Maddy she isn't taking a nap, go to your room and lock the door
Now Maddy
Maddy ran to her room which is the only room in the house and slammed the door waking up her mother.
Where the fuck am I?
Mom, its Kate, you passed out on the floor
Kate, so you back from your slut work
I only do it to take care of Maddy seeing as how your never here
Well im here now, so give me the money you made
I cant, I need it for Maddy, all your gonna do is spend it on drugs
Give me the money!!
her mother jolted up and slapped Kate in the face knocking her down real hard and fast.
She placed her hand in Kates skirt pocket and pulled out $550 with out any hesitation.
Thanks, im glad you can give your mother money when she needs it
Her mom ran out of the room slammed the door and ran down the stairs eager to spend Kate's $550 that she made today while she laid there,
humiliated in herself yet again.


It comes and goes
My memory
The flashbacks
Waking up on the side of the road
The blood
The pain
The anger
How did I get here?
The only thing that is clear
the only thing that makes sense
is to get revenge.
Try to remember.
Find them.
Make them pay.
He woke up on the side of the road, dried up blood, cuts with dirt in it, his memory was weary and his vengeance was still steaming like a mad bull.
He picked his self up only having to fall back down with an enormous headache. He tried to remember what happened, what got him here, why he was here.
His name is Christopher Ackley, he is 24 and he was searching for stardom, anywhere and everywhere, waking up on the side of the road was surprising to him,
he wasn’t poor nore was he a drug addict, the only legit thing he could wrap his vivid mind around was one girl, one girl in particular.
He came to the conclusion that he’s was suppose to be on a date with a beautiful girl named Sara Parkman, age 19, This girl wasn’t his girlfriend,
she was much much more amazing then that.
He laid there, feeling distraught and very upset and worried to where her beautiful face was, where her beautiful, fragile body was.
Sara, SARA
He continually yelled, until his cell phone (which was still intact) vibrated in his torn bloody jeans.
He answered, cautiously.
Sara, is that you?
No, its not Sara, but I guess in the next 24 hours it could be Sara.
Chris darted up from the ground unaware of his dizziness and cuts.
Who is this? Put Sara on the phone.
I see your standing Chris, good job, now about Sara, you probably don’t remember anything and that’s good cause that means you cant go to the police for anything,
this battle is ‘our’ battle now. I’m sure you want Sara, hell I would want Sara, she’s beautiful, despite the cuts.
Who are you? Give me Sara!!
I don’t like games Chris, so I don’t want to call this a game, lets just call this cat and mouse, you can be whatever you want but I’m the one chasing you.
Wait for one hour and thirty-five minutes.
Whoever called Chris hung up without any hesitation, and Chris was seeing red.
No your wrong bout that, I’m chasing you.
He said to himself, standing in his own pool of blood.


Sean walked around the school.
“New faces, old faces, new faces” he thought to himself
The school was much more packed this year then he could ever fallom. He knew some people, Bill, Jeff,
and that’s where his loyalty stayed but he also knew he was better then most people he came in contact with, he new it.
The first day was a drag, useless and boring.
“Last year, last year, 90 days”
He thought to himself.
Sean mostly kept to himself for the most part; he was done being a hero, a friend and everything else in between.
Lunch time came, he couldn’t find Bill, and he didn’t feel like looking for Jeff,
he wondered around the hall aimlessly, wondered, wondered, till he saw those beautiful eyes he saw before, the same girl he helped out, the same girl that made him be a hero.


Jeff’s first encounter with drugs was when he was 14, he was attending his friend birthday party and Jeff wondered off hoping to find a nice mature girl to speak to,
when he came upon a group of teenagers doing weed behind his friends house. In his eyes the teenagers were cooler then ever.
They asked if he wanted to try and of course he couldn’t let a ‘cool’ teenager down so he accept and got high for the first time.
He was 15 when he first did Ecstasy and he was 16 when he first tried Coke, which is what got him in the end.
Jeff’s parents moved from Africa down to Canada for safety reasons, Jeff’s father left him when he was 13 to pursue another woman.
He mother stopped working for health reasons and his family start to crumble.
At age 15 Jeff started dealing drugs just so he can keep his mother healthy and bring home food. His mom doesn’t know he’s a dealer, and he will never tell her.
He tries to attend school often but ends up leaving half away threw. Where then he would continue to sell, sell, sell.
Jeff is an only child looking out for his sick mother; he doesn’t like to be called a gangster or a dealer but a ‘Goon’.
He has never been shot at and he has never shot anyone though he carries around a pistol in his pocket.
Other dealers have beaten him down and he has beaten down other dealers. Jeff as never been to jail, he doesn’t have a criminal record, he doesn’t care if he has one.
He is intelligent and an amazing artist at painting.
Jeff has never been arrested.
He’s only 17.
Never arrested.

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