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Tuesday, May 19

Its A New Dawn, Its A New Day

“For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else” - Winston Churchill

This is my first blog post in a while now, iv actually been off in Hawaii getting sunburnt but ill tell you more bout that in a sec. As for right now, I want to update people (that read this) on my blog status. You readers probably don’t know anything about my blog status cause I haven’t said anything but I feel like you people deserve some type of reasoning to a choice I am going to make, this choice being; I probably am not going to update my blog(s) as often as I use to, considering the summer is coming up and were all going to be busy and I also have to take my thoughts and put them some where else. The only time I do write on this is if I get a very good idea or a topic I want to share with you readers. I can guarantee you one more blog post after this one, which should and probably will offend some people, cause that’s what I do right?

Yes where was I, Hawaii; Going to Hawaii took so long, driving to Halifax at 12am then waiting to 5am to board a plane going to NY, getting there at 7am, boarding a plane for LA and finally reaching Hawaii, it was a very long trip but I can say it was worth it.

Being in Hawaii was just perfect, I mean besides the hot morning weather, I guess I looked forward to the mere perfect weather at night, it was not hot nor was it cold, just absolutely perfect, as for that, lot of stuff are expensive there because they have to be shipped there and also because there in the middle of the ocean so I attended a lot of suppers and pretty much didn’t get to explore the lands of Hawaii, nor did I swim with the fish. On the plus side I found out the very first night I got there that my aunt and cousin were in Lost and that my uncle is very good friends with 'Desmond' from Lost (He has him on speed dial), so I met him twice and out of that came a new friend.

The scenery is marvelous also, the fact that they have an mall with no roof is pretty mind blowing or a street with street performers on it every night trying to get noticed, followed by your usual prostitutes and homeless people.

Coming back felt dreadful just cause I knew I was coming back here, which that thought disappeared when I realized that Tracy Morgan was on my flight to NY, which was the coolest thing ever.

Being in Hawaii though was worth it, not just the scenery but the people I met who showed me a new side of myself, I never realized. Coming back I had a revelation and it was pretty much me wondering why I was always so god damn negative when I didn’t need to be, I woke up hating myself for no reason so I made a promise knowing as soon as I step foot on the red dirt that I shall change my life and so far it is changing, i can feel the changing happening.

From now on, positivity will run threw my veins like its my second blood and I will ex everyone and everything negative that tries to topple my plans.

You know it may be a new dawn every morning or a new day every afternoon but what I know for certain is I’m going to be a new me everyday, whether you like it or not. Its already happening and I already enjoy the feeling.

Via: Scars & Sex Stories

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