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Tuesday, April 14

My Love: Lacey Mosley

The beautiful Lacey Mosley, lead singer of the Christian rock back Flyleaf.
Now im not a hugee fan of Christian rock bands,
i mean you cant really tell the difference
but most of my music isn't 'Christian' related.
The first time i herd of a Christian rock back
i assumed all they would sing about is church so i didn't listen to that stuff.
Until flyleaf came along and the lead singer put me into panic mode
and since then i am very much in love with her and the band.
Her singing/screaming is so outstanding and
she, herself is just plain sexy
and her eyes just eat me up.
She makes me scream real loud, inside my head
and I think one day
im gonna ask her on a date.
I am def crushing on this girl
but thats a secret.

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