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Friday, April 24

The Best Friday Ever

I have a lot to get off my chest tonight, so please bare with me. This will be the last blog post for a while because I’m going away on a trip so I’m dedicating this to the 3 readers I have going right now and ima make this supper long.

To start off, I am going out to Hawaii and it should be fun, I mean its my first time going to America so I’m supper nervous because I’m afraid ill say something to get my hands cut off…or wait does America still do things like that? Anyways, I’m gonna be gone for a while so please don’t miss me.

Tomorrow or perhaps today is also a big day for me, I am cutting my hair, real short, kind of like John Travolta’s in ‘Grease’ but more modern and I’m defiantly biting my nails. It has to look good, I haven’t got my hair in a year which I know sounds kind of dirty but I still wash it (duh). I honestly don’t know how girls can have long hair, its so stressful to look after and fancy it up so I give respect to the girls with long pretty hair that look after it. Props son.

The big trip to Hawaii is coming on Monday and iv been working out, losing my Christmas fat (which was like not even fat) and trying to gain some type of muscle but I think I already achieved that.

On another topic I’m excited for my future, I mean I am growing up and going to college this year and its just very exciting, not cause I am going in to something I always enjoyed - radio broadcasting - frankly because I’m growing up and its just nice and refreshing.

While were on the topic about radio broadcasting, I want to mention a random fact that you people probably don’t know. When I was like 10 I use to record myself on a cassette tape trying to be some type of DJ, pretty much like Casey Kasem, (who use to do American Top 40, which now Ryan Secreast does) I would record songs from Cds or song in general that were playing on a separate radio and then stop it and speak about the song and…. you get the point. So I guess I always wanted to be on the radio and do that kind thing.

When I was thinking of writing this post I had so many ideas of things to mention and right now I am blanking out so give me a minute to think

(Que Jeopardy Theme)

I once told someone that there should be beds on airplanes for long fights instead of a plane old seat and they looked at me weird and say something like “That’s why the seats tilt back” and when they said that I pretty much felt stupid. Today I was watching Southland (amazing show by the way) and there was an advertisement for Air Canada and it was about new seats there installing that turn into beds….I totally called it. I guess that unnamed person can feel like an idiot right about now.

Anyways, I may update you guys while im there but for as if right now, I resemble slash at the moment with my long curly hair that I just wet down, I am cold and pretty much not knowing what else to say so like Ryan Secreast once said “Secreast is out” and I guess I have to follow his rules and say the same thing with a little touch of ‘me’ added on to it “Atown is out…for now”.

PS: What does ‘PS’ even stand for?

Via: Scars&SexStores

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PS = Post Scriptum.
It's Latin for "Written After", and began back when letters took forever to get to their recipient; hence the letters took weeks or months to write, because the two people wouldn’t be in contact again for a long while. After writing pages about their week/month, they occasional noticed that they'd forgotten to mention something, and added a "Post Scriptum". :]

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