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Friday, March 6

Q & A With Norma Jean

There newist video is "Robots 3 Humans 0" and they have come back from the ashes and the rubble with there new Album "The Anti Mother"
A few weeks ago i spoke with Christian mathcore band Norma Jean about there the latest album, there influences and much more.

SA: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule
to speak to me, i appreciate it.
You guys are defiantly one of my favorite bands
and i thank you for coming into my life.
I notice that all your album titles have something to do with god and/or death,
why is that? how do you pick your album titles?

NJ: We pretty much just think of something that sounds cool to us. and its usually kinda dark and scary.

SA: Where did the album art for 'Redeemer' come from?
cause im certain i saw it somewhere before

NJ: Ross Robinson, who produced the record, had a huge painting of it in his living room. and we always looked at it and talked about how we loved it. and it just looks so frantic and out of control. that one was the boy version. we loved it and decided to look into it. the artist also had a girl version which we ended up using for the cover art.

SA: Coming from Douglasville, Georgia, and the music scene there with folk and country,
was it hard as an artist showing your musical differences off to the public?

NJ: No, not really. we never played in Douglasville much so it didnt really effect us. if we were from L.A. or something, it might have been a little different though.

SA: What do you usually eat for breakfast or brunch?
NJ: Cereal usually. but if i can get some bacon, eggs, and grits, i'll be really happy.

SA: You guys recently came out with the cd 'The Anti Mother',
i was wondering what are your guys favorite tracks on the cd,
and why?

NJ: One of the favorites is "Robots 3 Humans 0". and i think thats because it is a good song to sum up the record. it has a lot of different feelings in it.

SA: Who is Norma Jean influenced by?
NJ: We have a wide range of influences. everything from Tool, Deftones, Isis, and Barkmarket, to Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and Radiohead.

SA: What do you hope to gain out of your musical career?
NJ: To make lasting music that will stick around a while after we are gone. and to leave people with a positive experience when they listen to our music.

SA: Do you have any feuds going on with any other bands?
NJ: No, we have always got along with other bands.

SA: Is there any band that comes to mind that you would like to work with?
NJ: Personally, i would love to work with Tool. and on "The antimother" we got to work with Chino from the Deftones, which was very cool.

SA: One of my favorite songs of yours would have to be 'Blueprints For Future Homes'
and whenever i want to show someone else your band i recommend that song to them
anyways i was wondering, what exactly is that song about?

NJ: Its about deception. thats all i know. Cory would know more than me. haha.

SA: What exactly is on the album cover of your latest cd 'The Anti Mother?
NJ: On the cover of the anti mother, its a human heart in a sink. and there is a bee hive inside of it with bees all over it.

SA: As a band that had 3 lead singers, did you think you would lose fans by losing Brad Norris and Josh Scogin?
and what was with the changing of vocals?

NJ: We knew when Josh left, that people would be bummed. but we were confident we could win them back over someday. Brad wasnt really a permanent member. he helped us out until we could find a singer. and i think when cory joined and we released "o god the aftermath", most of the fans that we had lost came back.

SA: do you think its hard to be in the 'post hardcore' scene
now that there a million and one bands out there in the 'post hardcore scene'?
what makes you guys unique from the rest?

NJ: Yeah it gets tough. especially with all these young bands blowing up everyday. they are really hot for a couple months and then no one cares about them anymore because a cooler, cuter band will come along. bands like that have no future. we dont give in to the trends and whats hot at the moment. we play what we feel like playing and what means something to us.

SA: Have you ever tour Canada? and if so, did you like it?
NJ: Yeah, we have toured Canada a few times. in the summer, its ok. but the winter sucks and i never wanna go there again in the winter.

SA: Is it hard as a band to live up to your 'Christianity'?
like are there times where you have to throw away lyrics cause youR afraid that
you may offend the religious christian fans of yours?

NJ: No, we usually dont worry about that stuff. we also dont write anything too weird to where we would have to throw them away. just life experiences and stuff like that.

SA: Thank you for your time again Norma Jean
id def be picking up you newest CD.
NJ: No problem. take her easy.

Norma Jeans latest album The Anti Mother is in stores now.

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