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Saturday, March 14

Q & A With The Deer Hunter

You may know them as 'The Receiving End of Sirens' but the band is back (or perhaps the lead singer) with a new project The Dear Hunter which brought me to have a brief interview with front man Casey Crescenzo.

SA: Thank you for having the time to answer my questions.
First off, i notice you 'Casey Crescenzo' that you use to be in The Receiving End of Sirens and i herd
many story's to why you guys broke up, some were drug related, musical differences, having children and so as a fan
of your old band, whats the real story behind the infamous break up?
do you think there will be a reunion?

TDH: It's kind of like being asked why your girlfriend dumped you. There are plenty of reasons, but the fact is just that things didn't work out, and for one reason or another I was let go. Then a few years after I left the band, they decided it was best to take a rest. As far as a reunion there is no real way to tell.

SA: How did you gain the lime light? cause some bands have luck on there side
and some bands end up failing and wasting all there money on the EP.

TDH: I dont think I have the lime light as you say. If I do I suppose it isn't really for me to decide why I deserve it, but I would like to say that whatever achievements I have are a result of a lot of honest work and dedication to what I do.

SA: Do you think its hard to be in the 'post hardcore' scene
now that there a million and one bands out there in the 'post hardcore scene'?
what makes you guys unique from the rest?

TDH: I think it is hard to be in any scene unless you do something unique, and I do believe we stand out. I think there is an honesty, and no BS attitude we have about what we do that allows our band to cut through a bit more than a band rehashing and recycling what everyone has already heard.

SA: Whats your favorite CSI?
TDH: Miami.

SA: On some of your songs, you have the title of the song that has nothing to do with the actual song itself,
which i never understand, could please explain that to me?

TDH: None of the song titles are irrelevant.

SA: If you could compare your musical styles with any musician
live or dead who would it be?

TDH: I don't really know. I know that I am influenced by the beach boys, the beatles, bjork, weather report, jimi hendrix, etc... but I would never place us at that level.

SA: How long does it take you to prepare a song and do you have to be in some state of mind,
or could you do it anywhere?

TDH: I like to let my mind sit in the tone, emotion, or idea I am trying to convey musically... so it is a sort of trance, but nothing very labored.

SA: Is there any band that comes to mind that you would like to work with?
TDH: Foxy Shazam.

SA: What do you hope to gain out of your musical career?
TDH: Longevity.

SA: Is there any other band you dont like?
or you think fails musically?

TDH: It would be unfair for me to say.

SA: How did you perhaps achieve or decide on the name 'The Dear Hunter'?
Unless you hunt deer, which is understandable.

TDH: We don't hunt deer. The name was something I used in school for an electronic project, and it stuck with me while I was in TREOS as an outlet for the music I was making on my own.

SA: Whats the most embarrassing story that happened to you or your band mates on road?
TDH: Andy literally grew breasts on stage and his penis fell off. Pretty crazy.

SA: Explain the 'Act III's nine albums' concept, what influenced you to do this and
will there be nine different albums?
will one guest appearance featuring Jimmy Gnecco from ours?

TDH: There are 6 albums in the Dear Hunter story, and then there will be a series of 9 small eps that are influenced by the color spectrum. I don't think Jimmy will be on any of them.

SA: i noticed you do the theme of 'acts' on your albums, it reminds me of "Neverending White Lights"
is that where you got the idea from?

TDH: No, I don't know that Band.

SA: What was the best cd you ever purchased?
TDH: Ace of Base - Greatest hits

SA: Thank you for your time again TDH

There are currently in studio writing there third album Act III, which they hope to release in early 2009, which consists of various collaborations with other musicians

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