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Friday, February 27

Q & A With Secret And Whisper

A few days ago i spoke with Jordan Chase of the Canadian band Secret And Whisper to discuss there new cd 'Great White Wale', there new single 'XOXOXO' and many other interesting things relating to his music..

SA: First off who are you?
S&W: My name is Jordan Chase, and I play the bass tones.

SA: whats is the song 'XOXOXO' about?
and what exactly is happening in the video?
how does that relate to the song?

S&W: Ha, that is more of a Charles question (our singer), I think it has to do with past relationships and dinosaurs. Charles keeps his lyrics close to his heart, and doesn't even really let the band know what's up or down. It's kinda cool, adds to the mystery.
The concept behind the video is rather simple. Charles is turning this crank arm, to keep the energy running in his room. The rest of the band is playing other rooms which is adding to the energy. The room continues to fall apart, basically adding to the lyrics, "Machinery, don't fail me, I'm Fixing these things, as there falling apart.
Ummmm....yeah, that's it.

SA: I herd you guys were touring japan.
did you play there?
how was the atmosphere there oppose to canada?

S&W: We didn't really tour there, we just played one show. But what a show it was! 26,000 people, and quite possibly the most memorable time in my entire life.
You can't really compare that show to others due to the monstrous size of the crowd. But, the crowd seemed really into it. We thought we were going to be booed as it was strictly a 'metal" festival with Slipknot and Dragonforce. But it turned out great!

SA: Do you think its hard for as a rock artist or band
to be in the 'rock' scene
now that there a million and one bands out there in the 'rock' scene?
what makes you guys unique from the rest?

S&W: Your right, it's basically impossible to "reinvent the wheel" as our genre has been re-hashed over and over. However, I do believe you can make something special by adding your own flare and personality in the music. I don't think our band is revolutionary or anything, we are just trying to make simple songs that people can relate to.
We also tried to stay away from "screaming" as this has been done a million times ans is starting to get VERY old. Screamo/metalcore/melodic hardcore, whatever you want to call it is going the way of rapcore.
Truly, what makes a band unique is the members within and the contribution they add, musically, lyrically and so forth.

SA: What bands Record are you anticipating for?
S&W: The new "MEW" record, I can't wait!

SA: Have you ever played in PEI? and if so, did you like it?
S&W: Unfortunately, no. We want to as I hear it is a beautiful place.

SA: You guys recently came out with your new CD 'Great White Whale',
i was wondering what are your guys favorite tracks on the cd,
and why choose that CD title in particular?

S&W: For me, my favorite track is "Great White Whale". I really enjoy how it builds and ends the Cd with a bang. We all were so happy with how it turned out we decided to name the record after it. Plus we all like animals. Especially whales.

SA: What do you hope to gain out of your musical career?
S&W: Simply being a part of a band that makes memorable music, and hopefully someday be able to make a humble living. We don't need a huge banner with bright lights to spell our name, we just want to play music that we enjoy (and hopefully others). I love making music, and the day I don't enjoy it anymore, that will be the day I will quit. I don't think that day is anytime soon though. I love creating.

SA: Is there any band out there that you do not like
or you find is 'lacking' in there music skills?

S&W: Hmmmmm .... ha ha ha that's a tough one. I don't like dissing other bands, because we are all in it for the same reasons, to play music and have a good time. So I'll just rip on a genre. Again, as I mentioned before I'm kinda tired of all the screamo hardcore crap, that gets pawned off on us as something "new". Anyone can write a breakdown. There are way too many great bands that go un-noticed for these "hardcore" bands to take up the spotlight.
With this said, there are plenty of bands that do this very well, Misery Signals, Underoath, a Text Book Tragedy, Norma Jean. These are bands that have stayed true and made a lasting impression on the hardcore screamo genre.
To end this rather negative topic, Nickel Back.....they need to stop. Now! Makes me ashamed to be from Canada. Ha ha ha.

SA: Is there any band or producer that comes to mind that you would like to work with?
S&W: Chino from the Deftones, I hear he is producing now, and that would be pretty chill. Their music has always inspired me.

SA: Why did you change your name from stutterfly to secret and whisper?
S&W: Stutterfly was a totally different band. When Chris (our old singer) left and Charles joined we realized really quickly that the stuff we were writing was definitely not Stutterfly and decided to have a fresh start. We didn't want to disappoint the fans we had gained with S-fly by completely changing our style, so we opted to change the name, and the entire musical focus of the band.

SA: Why did you choose to shoot the video "XOXOXO" in Pittsburgh?
S&W: We were on tour and the director contacted us about doing a video, we liked the concept and it just so happened we were in the area, so we were like "what the heck" "lets do it!".

SA: explain the song "Anchors"?
what exactly is it about?

S&W: Again, kinda a Charles question. I think the lyrics are a comment on past relationships, and are just a cool way of placing imagery (such as seas and old wooden boats) on a otherwise bland topic.

SA: Whats the most embarrassing or
memorable story that happened to secret and whisper on road?

S&W: Hmmmmm, we showed up VERY late at a show, I forget where. We played HORRIBLE. We had quite a few fans there, and I really feel like we disappointed them. I was pretty embarrassed about that.
Sorry nothing funny or anything like pooping our pants or barfing on stage...hahaha.

SA: Who is Secret And Whisper influenced by?
S&W: Wow, ummm..... lots of different stuff. Musically, bands like Smashing Pumpkins, MEW, Deftones, Thrice, Circa Survive, the Doors...... the list can go on and on. Basically bands that have staying power and stay true to their sound and uniqueness.
We get pretty amped on movies too. I've written entire songs after watching a good movie, like "there will be blood" or "Dune". That stuff pumps me up man!

SA: Do you think by having your band name 'secret and whisper',
new fans or new people never exposed to your music,
come to your shows expecting you to be more like
a soft folk singer?
or has that ever happened before?

S&W: No, not really. A name is just a name, we never expected people to take it literally. We kind of like the fact people really don't know what to expect musically from the name. If you have an idea in mind for a band strictly from the name, it leaves room to be disappointed. We definitely don't want to disappoint.

SA: Will Secret And Whispers cd be released in local walmarts around canada?
S&W: Ha, I don't know. That would be pretty sweet, Wal-Mart is the JAM! Unfortunately it's not really up to us, there are higher powers involved.

Thanks for your time S&W

Secret And Wispers new album Great White Whale is available on itunes now.

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