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Monday, May 25

Where Are You Yeezy?

Tonight, I am going to do something spontaneous and speak about Mr Louis Vutton don aka Kanye West but ill get back to him in a minute.

You know growing up in Calgary, I was exposed to new music, stuff like: Slipknot, Mudvayne and perhaps the pop shit on the side but sometimes I would hear the odd rap and I say odd because I wasn’t exactly aloud to listen to it at the age of 10 so at the end the day it didn’t grab my attention, of course my taste in music worked its way up to different genres along the 'rock' side. I went from Pop music, to music like: Slipknot and Manson but I wanted more of the raw heavy shit so my music then went on to bands like: All American Rejects or My Chemical Romance and even then that didn’t satisfy my needs so the music keep rolling in like a mother fucking fret train.

At the age of 15 my music totally shot for the skies and I was now more in to bands such as: Norma Jean, Drop Dead Gorgeous and the ever favourite The Used but while that was taking a turn, I caught a little rap on the side and you know there was the odd rap songs that were just a hit and everyone enjoyed it cause it was mainstream but for me this one rapper was the one to set the bar high.

The very first video I saw of Mr West was 'Kanye feat Syleena Johnson - All Falls Down' and he was getting out of the limo with Stacey Dash but it was like the viewer was looking threw Kanyes eyes and to top the video off, the beat was just so sick as for Stacey looking mighty beautiful. After that one video I knew he would be something big but I didn’t think much about it. Sometime passed and Kanye West was out with another video, the infamous 'Jesus Walks' (which now is my most favourite Yeezy song) and that one song pretty much told me that this guy was and will one day be amazing.

Now let me make something clear; there are millions of "Rappers" out there that say they will be the best rapper and then there rappers that not only say it but live up to it and I know there’s lots of people saying Lil Wayne is 'one of the greatest rappers ever' and perhaps that is true but what I know and what I will always believe in is Kanye West and him one day, if not now, being one of the greatest ever. Its like Lil Wayne is Notorious BIG and Kanye is Tupac, kind of thing.

I told you about Kanye’s music and how every song and beat is sick to the very core and I guess that with certainty Kanye West is probably the most nicest guy to meet and get to know. Not only is his verse’s so damn smart but there not just verse’s to make verse‘s, I feel that what he write is true to the heart and I can tell he is a beautiful person inside.

Now you know I’m not down with how 'TMZ' makes him out to be; You see this is what I think about 'TMZ', so they like to invade peoples privacy and you know that is kind of understandable, I mean its there job and that’s how they bring home money, taking pictures of such figures like Brad and Angelina Jolie or Katie and Tom Cruise but what I don’t fully understand is when their up in celebrity’s face, when that person doesn’t want a camera in there face and that person tells them to back off, 'TMZ' or other paparazzi’s don't quite acknowledge it and just keeps pushing and pushing like a 12 year old kid and you see, when the celebrity shoves them to tell them there serious, all of a sudden that celebrity is a bad person and gets made fun of whenever 'TMZ' or some other paparazzi’s gets a chance to. Its like they haven’t herd of privacy before, which in fact 99 percent of people all want there privacy and understand the respect of giving other people privacy in return so I don’t know what world 'TMZ' or other paparazzi's came from.

Now that I got that off my chest let me tie this two together. "Supposably" Kanye West may serve sometime in jail as I herd because Kanye West wanted some privacy that one day and that 'TMZ' camera boy didn’t quite understand what privacy was that day so I guess he had to be taught a lesson in 'privacy etiquette' and now to 'TMZ' knowledge they make Kanye West out to be a bad person but personally they don’t have anything better to do then to stalk celebrities, I guess lets monkeys be monkeys.

On a positive note though, I can tell you with certainty that most of the time Kanye West is probably the most realest, nicest guy to ever be in your presence. He is not only my favourite rapper and not only will I always stick up for him but I feel like he a positive hero and idol to look to up and I will continue to do that.

So on the end note, I shall use Kanye’s Lyrics with a twist and simply say: He’s amazing.


Anonymous said...

TMZ IS THE DEVIL! lol good rant though

Unknown said...

real talk homie, kanye is the dopest artist around!!!

ps. in the all falls down video the girl is the model stacey dash, not syleena.
ps2 "pose in a mag like stacy dash or kim kardash' and be a laaaady at it", his feature on digital girl is dope!!!!

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