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Wednesday, April 1

Painting: Marilyn Manson


Artwork by Marilyn Manson

One of my favorites -

Amazing, another fav -

favorite #3 -
"Experience is The Mistress Of Fools"

Another fav and you know why -
"Someone should put hearts over her eyes" - portrait for Evan Rachel Wood

Def a favorite, so ghostly/realistic like -
"The Enabler"

Best title ever -
"Eventually they discovered that J.F.K. was, in fact, a firearm"

metaphor anyone? -
"Trigger finger"

I really like this one for some reason -

"Lunchtime Came Too Late for Lau Su"

"Ive got my arm around no one"

"Hitler Takes a Nap [Some of History's Dictators Have Often Taken 7 minutes To Contemplate War]"

"Harlequin Jack and the Absinthe bunny"

"Elizabeth Short as Snow White A smile II


"Cald not your lips in another man's pottage"


"Each morning she would pray that demons would devour her parents"


Unknown said...

Marilyn Manson is a very good artist in every thing that he would proposed to do. Please... I wanna see his pictures in an exposition in Barcelona, Catalunya, ( Spain )... it will be a dream come true. His work is created for all the people that will can observed and enjoyed with it. I admirate this artist called Brian Warner, a very good singer, compositor, painter, and an inquieted embrace for all the fans of this genius!!!

Jess said...

Such beautiful artwork

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